Sunday, September 30, 2012

Good Times w Good People

Well, I'm at the tail end of my hike. Let me tell you... it's been the most amazing journey I could have possibly asked for. I've met so many incredible people and that list just continues to grow. I've definitely been through my fair share of ups and downs on this hike but everything has been worth it and I'd do it all over again if I could. Right now I'm at the Dinsmores. They have a wonderful spot set up for hiker to come and relax, shower, lounge, and just have fun. When I got here I was surprised to run into some people that I hadn't seen since the Andersons... and some who I just plain old wasn't expecting to see... but I'm so glad that I did. I have less than 200 miles left. I'm hiking out tomorrow. There are so many feelings and emotions flooding over me right now it's ridiculous. So many parts of me don't want this journey to end, while the other part wants to be able to sleep in a warm bed and shower every day (heck maybe even twice a day!) and eat REAL food. None of that "fake hiker food." I'm thrilled to be able to have been given the opportunity to be out here and I can't wait for what's around the next corner (or mountain). I'm going to take it slow these next few days and really take in the last couple hundred miles. I am so grateful for everything that I've been blessed w and I want to thank you all for the support you've given me.... keep it up cause I'm not to the border yet. Thank you Aunt Mandy for the food money! Real food is AMAZING! haha It's getting much colder out here.. I'm a trooper when it comes to pretty much everything BUT the cold.. then I turn into a pansy. But I've come this far and there's no holding me back now. I'm just going to enjoy the remainder of this spectacular trail and mosey a little closer to the border every day. I'm hiking out tomorrow morning.... but for now it's way past hiker midnight and I'm crashing. If any of you want to get a hold of me feel free to send me words of encouragment etc for these last couple hundred miles. You have no idea how much a few kind words can carry you. Sleepy and content, Sara aka Blood Bank

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear from you! Yeah for cell service. Keep rocking it. You re almost there. Real food and warmth and comfy bed awaits you. Plus family! You can't replace us
    ;). And we could never replace you! Love what you do and enjoy the views!
