Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts on Society

I've always been a thinker. There's hardly anything that actually bothers me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think broadly. I try to stay out of seemingly meaningless problems. And it urkes me when others around me can't get certain so called "problems" out of their minds. Learn to let go. 

I wish people would stop worrying about petty things. It pains me to see people put so much effort, thought, sleepless nights, and energy into stuff that is so small and insignificant. Stuff that in a few days they won’t even remember. But yet, they continue to stress and get worked up over things that shouldn’t matter. 
Why is it that people don’t see what is important in life? Live each day to the fullest. I know how cliche this statement is and how overused it is. But I feel people have heard it so often that they forget what it actually means. It means not taking things for granted. It means treating people with respect. It means loving one another. Regardless of race, color, religion, etc. It means lending a helping hand when someone is in need. It means being there for one another. And sticking up for what is right. It means not tolerating behavior that is inappropriate. It means loving. When did the love start leaving this world? When did people get so caught up in material things and so self centered that they forgot and neglected to care for their neighbors?
 It hurts sitting by and watching how humanity treats one another. For some reason, and I’m not sure why, but I feel when others are hurting. I yearn for the day (and I’m not sure it will ever happen) when people truly care for each other. The day when people stop and acknowledge that there are other people in the world besides themselves. And if you stop and help or listen and care...... that’s what matters. That’s what is important. Why is it that people don’t do this? I don’t get it. 
Have people really become so self centered and neglectful that they just don’t care about their neighbors? I wish people could just see... I wish they would open their eyes and see what is important. I wish they could stop and help. Stop and listen. Stop and care. Just... stop. 
Take a minute and realize that they are not the center and the world doesn't revolve around them. I wish they would realize that there is more. So, so much more. It hurts me. I literally ache. Why is it so hard for people? If you see someone hurting then stop and ask what’s wrong. It’s not difficult. Why are people so afraid to reach out to their fellow man? I wish people would learn how to communicate with one another. That people wouldn’t hold grudges. That they would see it is causing so much harm. It’s so stupid. Why would you want to harbor this hate and resentment? Get over yourself. Forgive. It’s hard, I know just how hard it is.. .but holding onto things like that don’t do anyone good. They eat away at you. Why wouldn’t you want to solve petty problems and tiffs, or even the much larger actual wrongdoings that have been made against you, and get them over with. Holding onto these feelings just makes you mad and angry and you, in turn, take it out on people around you. Why would you want to do that to yourself? Why wouldn’t you want to resolve the problem? I don’t understand how or why you would want to hold this anger and resentment. It disgusts me. I don’t get why people wouldn’t want what is best for them. For their friend, partner, spouse, lover, child, family. Why? Get over yourself. Love. Love one another. That’s the only thing that matters in the end. Everyone deserves to be loved, because like they say “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
These are just thoughts that pop into my head daily. They don’t have to do w anyone in particular.. just humanity as whole. When I see people being bullied it makes me think so little of people. We all have the potential to be the best we can.. and yes I know we’ve all heard that phrase before. But instead of just listening get out there and actually do something that helps solve the problem. Pay if forward. If you see someone being bullied stand up for them. You never know what people are facing in their own lives. You don’t know until you’ve “walked in their shoes.” So stop judging one another and go out there and make me proud. 
I can’t wait until I can get away from all the unkind things that I see in everyday life. Thing’s such as people flipping one another off on the freeway. Friends talking down to one another. There is so much attitude that people throw in each others face on a daily basis. Things like an order being messed up at a restaurant, or a cashier giving you the wrong amount of change. We don’t have to immediately go into “fight mode.” Everyone makes mistakes. You never know what could have happened to that person that day. Everyone has pain- that’s something that bonds everyone together. You aren’t alone. Let people in, you’d be surprised. 
Do me a favor and the next time you think about starting an argument or getting mad just stop and ask yourself... is this really worth it? Because chances are... 99% of the time it’s not. 
Just my little ramblings, 

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