Friday, February 17, 2012

DMV Issues

To say that the DMV is a pain is an understatement. My DL expired the day that I turned 21. Go figure. So I have carried around that little piece of paper that is supposed to act as your "Interim Driver License" w me, but that one just expired too.

I'm not very good at following up w things that I know are going to be a hassle. It stresses me out to much. For the "normal" person this seems like an incredibly easy task. Just go to the DMV and get it done. My Mom is a prime example of this. If something needs to be done she "just does it." She should be in a Nike commercial. But w me it's very different. I cannot and I mean CANNOT stand stress. It drives me crazy. I get lost (literally) and I don't know what to do. Yes, this has EVERYTHING to do w the TBI. It's just so painstakingly difficult for me. It shouldn't be and I fully realize that, but hey there's nothing I can do.. it just is.

Now here's the kicker, things that stress out the average person don't really get to me. It's seemingly easy tasks such as following up w the bank or DMV that I have a hard time w.

Stick me in a room w screaming kids all running around, hyped on sugar, that's easy peasy. Ask me to get my transcripts and I'm lost. It's odd. But hey that's me. haha

So today I was able to take on the daunting task of getting everything settled w my DL issue. I have tried to get this solved before but it was just too much at the time so I took a break. Today I called the DMV. My wait time.... 1 hour and 8 mins. You've got to be kidding me! But, they have this handy dandy little thing where you can leave your name and number and they call you back! This service was made for me! : D

I got a call back roughly an hour later and the lady who I spoke w was a godsend. Incredibly nice, polite, and funny. We chatted for awhile and she said they had sent it out but it got returned as "undeliverable." This most likely had something to do w me couch surfing in preparation for hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. She said she would send out my new "Interim DL" today and I would get that in 3 days tops! I could almost jump for joy! She said it would take about 3 weeks for my hard copy to come in.

So I continue the wait for the infamous DL.

On a MUCH brighter note - yesterday my jackets came in the mail. I immediately ripped open the packages and tried on my BRIGHT orange Patagonia Nano Puff and the Marmot Precip. It was love! My little heart thumped in my chest. Those things sure do get HOT! That's perfect though because I tend to run VERY cold. Another courtesy of the TBI.

But the best part about this whole thing is....


Isn't it just amazing! I absolutely love it. 

Waiting, waiting, waiting,


1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Orange Jackets! Easy to spot eh? And fun orange... I try to help with your "frustrating systems" like dealing with anything to do with the government, medical apts, follow up labs, dental, insurance etc. You are right- "easy" for me; mind you- NOT fun and a pain in the neck, but happiness when they are completed. Yeah for new licenses finally! I am dealing with Courts now for traffic school that I attended- without prior authorization; guess I was being Too efficient. I am on my 6th letter to traffic court (thank you Bakersfield) and follow up. Like I said a real pain in the neck- however necessary if I don't want to pay with increased insurance fees for the next 3 years. THAT is why I do it. A "short term" pain for long term benefit- they say that is a sign of maturity... Go figure.
    And yes I know TBI has affected your ability to deal with things that require patience as just one of the many things it has done to you. How well I know :)
    Hooray you were able to do DMV today despite the enormity of the process. Go Sara ;)
