Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Going to Alaska!

In a little over a month I'll be on a plane flying to Alaska! I'm so excited to be able to live in a place teeming with such raw beauty. Ever since I got back from thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail I've been aching for more adventure. This is my opportunity to live in the backcountry and still be tethered on to civilization. I am thrilled beyond imagination. 

I will be living in Homer, Alaska volunteering on a trail crew. We're in charge of roughly 85 miles of trail. I'm excited to see what these next three months up there will hold. My schedule is 8 days on and 6 days off. Living in the backcountry for 8 days, then living in a house in Homer for 6 days. It's the best of both worlds. 

I've never been to Alaska, but I'm excited to have the chance to witness firsthand this wonderful country. 

When I return my sights are set on the CDT (Continental Divide Trail). It's another long distance backpacking trail starting in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and ending in Montana (or more specifically, Canada) for a total mileage of between 2,700 - 3,100 miles (depending on routes taken). 

Despite my quote on quote "health issues," I'm set on overcoming them and showing others that anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself. Living with the long term effects of Traumatic Brain Injury is grueling and painful, but you should never let these "downfalls" effect how you chose to live your life. Although they may interfere, never let them be in charge. Whether it's TBI, Cancer, or any other pesky blockers... This is your life, you're the boss, don't let others tell you what you can and cannot achieve. You can do anything you set your mind too! 

Life is full of challenges and setbacks, do not let them define who you are as a person! I know I certainly don't! 

Alaska in a month! Hip Hip Hooray! 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you!!!
    I'll be in the Wind River Range the second week in Sept. Maybe our trails will cross? (The CDT goes through the Winds.) If so, we can enjoy a toast together!

    Best wishes,
